Here’s what’s
planned for VulcaniaSubmarine.Com
Most of our pages will receive updates and
additions. We have a large library of
relevant material we will be posting from time to time. And, our new projects will continue to be
placed on public display in pages of their own.
However, contributions are always appreciated, and
contributors will be credited for their submissions. While not everything might meet our criteria or be suitable for
our audience, your participation is still encouraged here. In doubt: ask. I will consider all publication requests.
Also: If you see any corrections or improvements we
might make, please feel free to suggest them to the Webmaster.
Departments with individual pages
(Like NAUTILUS MODELS and FEATURED SUBMARINES) will continue to receive
additional pages honoring accomplished craftsmen. (Nominations are hereby solicited.)
And new Departments will be added
as they occur to the Webmaster.
For additional news about recent
or proposed changes to VULCANIA SUBMARINE, please refer to our CHALKBOARD